Sustainability Beyond July: 5 Ways to Stay Plastic-free on Vacation

POV: you’re strolling along a pristine beach, breathing salty air, and feeling the warmth of the sand beneath your feet. Suddenly, you see a rising tide of plastic waste. It’s an all-too-familiar sight. That is why, every July, sustainability enthusiasts vow to a no plastic life. From swapping plastic bags for reusable totes to saying no to plastic straws, this month is all about reducing your plastic footprint. 

But what happens once July is over? Will we pack up our eco-friendly dreams and hit the road? Absolutely not. We're taking our green game on vacation!

Buckle up, here are 5 fantastic ways to stay plastic-free on your vacay.

  • BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle):
  • No, we are not referring to the kind of party you throw at home, but rather to the most important beverage of them all - H2O. Carrying a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go will not only keep you hydrated, but also give single-use plastic bottles the cold shoulder. 

  • Zero Waste Picnics
  • Let's talk about food. A day at the beach often means a picnic in the sand, but it doesn't have to come with heaps of plastic waste. Pack your snacks and sandwiches in reusable containers, beeswax wraps, or food contact safe serviettes that keep everything fresh. Reusable cutlery and straws go a long way too. 

  • Refuse the Hotel Toiletry
  • What’s the first thing you notice when you walk into your hotel room? It’s the tiny bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash lined up like they own the place. But guess what? You can show them who’s boss. Politely decline single-use toiletries and opt for your own travel-sized toiletry kit. Fill this with your favorite eco-friendly products; your hair and the oceans will thank you forever.

  • Go Digital with Travel Docs
  • Picture this: you are all set for adventure, but... you’re rummaging through your luggage trying to find printed paper documents and… can’t find them. Probably your worst nightmares, right? Opt for digital travel documents instead. Store your flight tickets, boarding passes, hotel reservations, and travel itineraries in your phone or tablets. Not only will you save paper, but you'll also save yourself from a potential document disaster!

  • Shop Smart 
  • While you're out exploring local markets and boutiques, keep an eye out for conscious products and eco-friendly brands that support sustainability. Look for items made from natural materials like wood, bamboo, or organic cotton. By choosing these eco-friendly goodies, you will not only reduce your plastic footprint but also support local artisans and businesses that care about the environment.

    There you have it, 5 easy steps to becoming the ultimate plastic-free vacation guru. So, let's raise our reusable water bottles to a plastic-free world and continue this journey of sustainability beyond #PlasticFreeJuly!