2023 Colour of The Summer: Green
2023 Colour of The Summer: Green
This year is all about enjoying a safe and sustainable summer.
The weather is slowly warming up day by day, and summer is already in sight. What better time to start planning for your well-needed, mid-year break than now? One of the most important parts – especially post pandemic – of going on holiday is personal wellness, because nobody wants to come home having fallen sick. So, here are 5 tips for having a safe and sustainable summer!
Carrying your own toilet paper roll
Whether you end up needing it or not, it never hurts to have some toilet paper on hand. Use it to wipe, or to place over nasty public bathroom toilet seats. Good Karma toilet rolls are safe to dissolve, and don’t clog drains. Simply carry a roll in your bag or your car; now you can flush the stress away, without hurting the environment. Here’s to never compromising on your bathroom needs again!

Carrying sanitizer
…Or a small bottle of liquid soap + facial tissues if running water is available. Pandemic or not, it’s always best to keep your hands clean so that germs from surfaces you come in contact with, will not linger on sensitive areas such as your eyes or nose. Need to touch your face? Try using a biodegradable paper handkerchief instead.
Keeping a garbage bag handy
Store a few garbage bags in your car or in your bag to ensure all those wrappers and used
tissues get disposed of properly. Worried about accumulating more plastic? Carry compostable garbage bags, and ensure you carefully segregate your waste before disposing it. By collecting all your waste, you keep your surroundings clean and ensure that the waste doesn’t join the vast amounts of litter on the roads. Plus, garbage bags come in handy if you’re prone to motion-sickness!
Carrying your own (reusable) water bottle
If you’re worried about the water quality in the destination you’re visiting, or the ready availability of water, carry a reusable water bottle! You don’t need to restrict your use of personal bottles just to your home; single-use plastics are one of the biggest polluters today, amongst which the most common are single-use beverage bottles. To be extra safe, you can even buy a reusable water bottle with a built-in purifier.
Carrying your own utensils
Not only will you reduce the amount of single-use plastics, but you can also ensure the hygiene of the utensils you eat with. Opt for travel-friendly wooden or metal cutlery sets that you can wash and keep reusing. Wrap utensils in eco-friendly serviettes, for managing spills and cleaning. Having your own tiffin box is also useful, especially if you’re prone to takeaways or packing up leftovers at restaurants. This way you can enjoy your doggie bag guilt-free!
Now that we’ve got your health covered, here’s to hoping you’ll have a happy summer! Enjoy your time in the destination of your choice, be mindful of the local population, and don’t forget to take looots of pictures for documentation.
As we say, do Good Karma!